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Carnotaurus ( /ˌkɑrnɵˈtɔrəs/; meaning "meat-eating bull", referring to its distinct bull-like horns (Latin carno [carnis] = flesh + taurus = bull) was a large predatory dinosaur. Only one species, Carnotaurus sastrei has been described so far.

Carnotaurus lived in Patagonia, Argentina (La Colonia Formation) during the Campanian or Maastrichtian stage



South America




Mainly other reptiles

Combat Status

Will fight Neovenator

of the Late Cretaceous. It was discovered by José Bonaparte, who has uncovered many other South American dinosaurs.


Carnotaurus was a large theropod, about 8 metres (26 ft) in length,[2] weighing between 1488 kg and 2626 kg (1.6–2.9 short tons), depending on the method of estimation.[3][4] The most distinctive features of Carnotaurus are the two thick horns above the eyes, and the extremely reduced forelimbs with four basic digits,[3] though only the middle two of these ended in finger bones, while the fourth was splint-like and may have represented an external 'spur.' The fingers themselves were fused and immobile, and lacked claws.[5] It is also characterized by its unusually long neck (compared to other abelisaurs), and its small head with box-shaped jaws. The eyes of Carnotaurus faced forward, which is unusual in a dinosaur, and may indicate binocular vision and depth perception.

There is a rather puzzling contrast between Carnotaurus’ deep, robust-looking skull and its shallow, slender lower jaw. So far no one has worked out what this might imply about its methods of feeding.[6]

A single nearly complete skeleton has been described including impressions of skin along almost the entire right side, that show Carnotaurus lacked feathers, unlike the more advanced coelurosaurian theropods (see also feathered dinosaurs). Instead, the skin is lined with rows of bumps, which become larger toward the spine.
